Sunday, October 25, 2009 takes the fudge, in Iraq and Afghanistan

by Ann Garrison

Obama's Peace Prize already took the cake, so this takes the fudge:, the Democratic Party's fundraising and PR PAC, is urging all of us to join a global rally, against global warming, on 10.24.2009. In San Francisco, they want us to show up at Justin Herman Plaza, at 3:00 P.M. And, they promise that: "There will even be events in Afghanistan and Iraq."

They seem to want us to appreciate them, now that President and Commander-in-Chief Obama, and the Democratic Party, are controlling and escalating the U.S. war(s) and occupations for fossil fuels, uranium, and military industrial minerals.

The U.S. military is the world's largest single consumer of fossil fuels.  It wages war, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa, to secure fossil fuels and fossil fuel transport corridors, and thus ensure its ability to wage more wars for more fossil fuels and transport corridors.  War--and global warming--without end, Amen.   Just as warned us, in their 2008 presidential campaign ad:

First published on,

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