KPFA Weekend News, 04.23.2011:
KPFA Weekend News Host: The prevailing narrative of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide is that extremist Hutus massacred 800,000 or more Rwandan Tutsi and moderate Hutu, who tried to protect them. But, many scholars, journalists, and human rights investigators now argue that both Tutsi and Hutu massacred one another because of their ethnicity.
The truth is now more and more significant for all Africa, as NATO wages war in Libya, and U.S. policy lobbyists promote a proposal to use Predator Drones to "stop genocide," specifically to stop the next Rwanda or Darfur from happening elsewhere in Africa, such as Libya or Sudan. KPFA's Ann Garrison spoke to a Rwandan American legal scholar and a Rwandan Genocide survivor about the Rwandan massacres of 1994.
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that either genocide denial or double genocide whereby the either cases do not represent Rwanda situation.many foreigners have been in Rwanda some before others during and other after genocide, they have understood what happened but Anna Garrison has intentionally omitted the truth in her biased judgments, it is high time she knew that Rwandans have gone beyond being misled as it was the case during genocide periods where people were loured in mass killing of the tutsis due to bad leadership.