Friday, January 22, 2010

Digital Journal: Rwanda's 1994 genocide and 2010 elections

Skulls of victims of one of the massacres during the 1994 Rwandan genocide are displayed at the Genocide Memorial Site church of Ntarama in Nyamata, Rwanda, in 2004.

On 01.17.2010, I posted a short report the Netherlands-based blog Colored Opinions, on Victoire Ingabiré's return to Rwanda from a 16-year exile and arrival at the Kigali, Rwanda airport. The slew of articles attacking Ingabiré in the Rwandan press, within one day of her return, and the tension I then sensed, even over the phone to Rwanda, caused me some concern about publishing beyond Colored Opinions and this blog, but the worst things happen when the world is paying no attention.  So, on 01.20.2010, I published this more detailed version of that story, with pictures sent from Rwanda, to the Canadian Digital Journal:
Rwanda's 1994 genocide and 2010 elections

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